Here is the translation of the locations of diskless MAC address databases for cybercafes
As a cybercafe administrator, it is essential to be familiar with the storage locations of major diskless database files.
On one hand, it facilitates the quick deployment after system reinstallation, and on the other hand, it enables rapid import and export of client IP and MAC addresses.
Here are the storage locations for some diskless database files:
网维大师 (NetMaster): Diskless\ClientConfig.xnl or BarServer\data\barserver.db
云更新 (Cloud Update): gamel5.db, new version: lwdiskless.db
易乐游 (HappyPlay): ews.dat; 易游 (EasyGame): diskless.db or csx.dat
方格子 (Square Grid): Old version: config.db; V6 series: MlenuConfig.db
绿化大师 (GreenMaster): data\data.db
锐起 (RuiQi): wks.ini
信佑 (Xinyou): CoreServer.db3
MZD: mzd.ini
网众 (WangZhong): Please use WangZhong QuickCar to export client information and save it as an ini file
快吧 (QuickBar): Info.ini or KB.XM
阿拉丁神盘 (Aladdin God Disk): wsk.dat
OBM: obm.conf
锐腾 (RuiTeng): Keydone.ndb
遥志 (YaoZhi): db.xnl
盛九 (ShengJiu): PXD.xml
马蹄更新 (Mateng Update): config\xdiskless.db
Attached is the IPMAC export tool:
Please note that these database files may vary with different software versions or updates, so it is important to use the correct database files and tool versions to avoid data loss or other issues. Also, remember to back up data before any operations to prevent any unexpected incidents.
If you have any other questions related to cybercafe administration or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm happy to provide support.